Primary’s unique advantage is the fund manager’s experience in developing and managing real estate investments. Hailing from a real estate family, Ashwin brings his personal experience as a developer as well as a personal investor. Prior to becoming a fund manager, Ashwin was engaged in planning, obtaining permits, developing infrastructure, managing finances and legalities, and marketing his personal projects. As a result, he has a unique insight into real estate and uses it to Primary's advantage in identifying opportunities and structuring better deals. 
  • We have advised investments across different stages of market cycles of real estate in India and experienced the peaks and the troughs. This has taught us  the “do’s and the dont’s” of investing in each stage
  • We have unparalleled access to deal flow through our established relationships with several high quality developer and market intermediaries in India
  • We have a dedicated team doing on the ground research and continuously monitoring  existing investments
  • Our partners, Ajit Dayal and Quantum Advisors bring a wealth of experience in dealing with endowments, pensions, and foreign investors